Church of Rimortoli in San Colombano

History and architecture
Built in 1122, the church has been in use until the 1950s, when a new church was erected in San Colombano. From that moment, the orginal building was used as a storage by the only family who had access to the area because in charge of cleaning the church. In a twelfth century document listing all the churches of the Pievania di Segromigno, the church was recorded as 'Spedale di San Concordio di Rimonture', as it was in fact a hospital on the Via Francigena route. Until its abolition in 1806, the church was a property of Monastero di San Nicolao. During the reign of Elisa Baciocchi the church was acquired by the state, before becoming a private property in 1863.
The city administration bought the church and with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca restored the exterior of the building.