Flying over Capannori

There is no doubt that flying has always been a dream of mankind: see the world from up above, fluctuate in the serene sky…
In Capannori you can do it with one of the most fascinating means of transportation of all times: the balloon. As free as a cloud you will caress the treetops, greet flocks of birds, discover the unique details of the bell towers. But how you can live this unique experience? You just have to visit and book a flight from the airport of Capannori.
Capannori is one of the most important cities in Italy when it comes to balloons. To balloons, and flight in general, Capannori has dedicated a festival, Festa dell’Aria. Two weekends of September filled whit ballons challenging each other in the sky, acrobatic gliders, exhibitions, entertainment for children and obviously tethered flights to allow every participant to live the magic of flying in the official balloon of Capannori in all safety. Save the date for the second Friday of the event because there will be the Balloon Glow, when at sunset the ballons will fly and be lighted to the rhythm of music.
Capannori and balloons: a lasting connection