The May 1st concert in Capannori

International artists and emerging bands for two days devoted to fun and good music.
Among the spring classical music festivals, no doubt that Labour day concert on 1 May is a must. Is Rome too far? No problem, Capannori offers no less!
Every year thousands of people gather in the main square in front of City Hall for an unmissable day of good music and fun in the most important spring concert of Tuscany.
Two days to celebrate Labour Day with meetings and events focusing on employment related themes with the local associations and the final concert, open to everyone.
The event was born as a single artist performance, but with the years passing it has become more of a 'big concert' just like the one in Rome. Since the early afternoon of Labour Day, it is a musical marathon, where both emerging talents and well-knowns artists perform.
The perfect opportunity to attend to a free concert of many artists, but also to take part to a moment of sharing ideas on emplyoment related topics with the territory and get to know the many local associations animating Capannori.
For those who cannot wait for the big event, on 30 April you can join 'Aspettando il primo maggio', where many other solo artists and bands will give you a preview of the big event on the following day.
A great opportunity for a day of fun and good music for everyone: 1 May, piazza Aldo Moro, Capannori. We are are ready. Are you?